Friday 22 November 2013

Only two weeks left!!:O

I can't believe that was my second last week in Wallaby Woods. It has flew by. 

Today was pretty much the same as the other days, but I never get tired of it!

First I brought Mo, The owner's dog for a walk, while Charlotte was cleaning the swans. Mo is such a cute dog! After me and Charlotte fed the horses and the donkey and the goat. The donkey has a habit of biting people's jumpers and the goat has a habit of hitting people with his huge horns! So sometimes I never quite enjoy feeding the goat. He hit Charlotte in the stomach today and then after that he went and hit Paulo the donkey. But Paulo went and bit his tail after so they were even.

We fed the rabbits after lunch and we found that one of the rabbits had babies. They were so cute and small!! I'd say there was around 6-7 of them. We also fed the pigs and they are so greedy omg!! 

That was what I did on my second last day. 

Oh and also I got offered a part-time job coming up to Christmas WOO! :D

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